Condi, Hypocrisy and Nukes
My god, has there ever been a LESS likeable woman? This is nothing more than Dick Cheney's brain in a black woman's body, dressed up in Prada. Condaleeza Rice and Dick Cheney should never be in the same room together, as the radiation of their combined ruthless evil would destroy everything and everyone in the room, much like the climactic scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, when the Nazis open the Ark and it kills them all.In all of it's hubris, ignorance and incompetence, one thing you must say for this administration is they are consistent. They have never let the facts get in the way of their story. There is such widespread, overwhelming evidence that American intelligence forces are employing torture as a regular method in their counter terrorism efforts, that there can be no doubt. No question at all. There's photos and videos, there's testimony from people we have tortured and then released. There are statements from people who have been involved or who refused to be involved. And yet both Bush and Rice can stand up before the world and deny that America uses torture in interrogations of captured terror suspects. Whether they are lying, or genuinely in the dark about what is clearly occuring, either way they are disingenuous in a way that convinces absolutely no one. Most likely, they are parsing words. Once the white house counsel informed them that, in order to actually be torture, the pain of the punishment must rise to the level of "organ failure...or death". Ok, sure, there's been a few of those, but the number is small enough for important people to overlook.
When we talk about the actions of this administration, such as illegally invading Iraq, detaining suspects indefinately and torturing them, and supporting dictators while preaching democracy, damaging America's credibility throughout the world, it is these more specific actions that truly do lasting damage to our moral standing and legitimacy. For the American Secratary of State to stand before the world and say things that are unequivocally NOT true is just ludicrous. How does Bush's insular little bubble world think they can get away with that?
I'd also like to call attention to another hypocrisy that simply isn't receiving ANY attention at all, but with the clear American intention to start a war with Iran over nuclear weapons, it must be talked about. And that, of course, is Israel's posession of a substantial nuclear arsenal. It is generally accepted that Israel has approximately 300 Nuclear warheads. They have never been a signatory to the NPT, and are therefore outside of any inspection regemin. And yet Bush cries out that the mid east must be nuclear free. At least North Korea was a signatory and participant in the NPT until they were pushed into a corner and felt they had to produce a warhead. At that point they didn't cheat. They had the courage and will to withdraw from the treaty before building the weapons. I'd like to think that Israel had the political courage of North Korea, but it certainly appears they do not.
I find this to be an interesting subject on a day December 7th that has a lot of history behind it. Over 60 years ago, America was fighting a war that was a battle for freedom. Now, we are fighting a war that isn't for Iraqi freedom, we are fighting for the rights to their oil and a permanent base in the middle east. Condi, Bush and the cyborg have all been very clear on their tactics, but what's more appalling is that nobody seems to be able to see past their lies or maybe they are just to scared.
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